生体材料工学研究所 医療デバイス研究部門



TOP / 研究業績 / 2004年


Mitsubayashi K, Kubotera Y, Yano K, Hashimoto Y, Kon T, Nakakura S, Nishi Y, Endo H: Trimethylamine biosensor with flavin-containing monooxygenase type 3 (FMO3) for fish-freshness analysis, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 103(1-2): 463-467, 2004. (IF: 2.083)


Suzuki R, Ogawa M, Otake S, Izutsu T, Izumi S, Iwaya T. Analysis of Activities of daily living in elderly people living alone: Single-subject Feasibility Study. Telemedicine and e-Health, 10(2):260-276, 2004. (IF:0.840)


鈴木亮二, 小川充洋, 大竹佐久子, 井筒岳, 飛松好子, 出江紳一, 岩谷力. 行動モニタリングシステムを用いた独居高齢者の日常生活活動の解析, 運動療法と物理療法(J. Physical Medicine), 15(3):222-229, 2004. (IF: x)


Muramoto H, Ogawa M, Suzuki M, NaitoY. Little Leonardo digital data logger: its past, present and future role in bio-logging science. Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research, 58:196-202, 2004. (IF: x)


Arakawa T, Kudo H, Sato H, Kobayashi H, Izumi T, Ohtsuka S, Mori K, Shoji S, Osaka T, Homma T.et al.: Fabrication of multi-pixel TES micro calorimeters with an electrodeposited Sn absorber and Bi absorber. Nucl. Instrum. & Meth., A 520, 566-569, 2004 (IF: 1.349)


Kudo H, Nakamura T, Arakawa T, Ohtsuka S, Izumi T, Shoji S, Sato H, Kobayashi H, Mori K, Homma T, et al.: Prototype of the high sensitive X-ray microcalorimeter for X-ray imaging. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 114, 171-175, 2004 (IF:1.462)


Kudo H, Nakamura T, Arakawa T, Ohtsuka S, Izumi T, Shoji S, et al.: High sensitive x-ray micro-calorimeter using Bi-Au microabsorber for imaging applications. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43, 1190-1195 , 2004 (IF: 1.280)


Fujimoto R, Mitsuda K, Yamasaki Y, Iyomoto N, Oshima T, Takei Y, Futamoto K, Ichitsubo T, Fujimori T, Yoshida K, Kudo H, et al.: TES Microcalorimeter development for future Japanese X-ray astronomy missions. Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. A 520 431-434, 2004 (IF: 1.349)


Ishisaki Y, Morita U, Koga T, Shinozaki K, Sato K, Takai N, Ohashi T, Arakawa T, Kudo H, et.al..: Performance analyses of TES microcalorimeters with mushroom shaped X-ray absorbers made of Sn and Bi. Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. A 520(1-3) 456-459, 2004 (IF:1.349)